Legacy Hustle

This show highlights and amplifies the stories of Black entrepreneurs and their products/services in an effort to inspire and educate our listeners.

Hosted by


This show highlights and amplifies the stories of Black entrepreneurs and their products/services in an effort to inspire and educate our listeners.

Meet our Hosts

A first-Gen American born in NY, raised in Waterbury, CT with ties back to both Antigua and Ghana, Sheed currently resides in Seattle with his wife Rashida. Sheed is super intentional in all aspects of his life to create space and access for others (especially under-represented minorities). Sheed is deeply aware of the fact that he would not be where he is today had it not been for those that opened doors for him setting strong examples for him to emulate. Sheed is excited about the potential of what Legacy Hustle represents as it grows and the life changing shift it can have for current, new, and aspiring business owners as the community of sharing, learning, and support grows. Be sure to join the Legacy Hustle Community to stay up-to-date on the latest: https://mailchi.mp/7e11dee7d178/legacyhustle